3.10.25 - The Great Wizard Zsolista and the Flower of Eternal Compassion Pt.1
In a sunny lazy afternoon, in the topaz castle of Beezerbub there lived a great princess who goes by the fierce moniker of Great Wizard Zsolista.
She goes on mighty adventures for her Queen Mother May-or-Zsol.
She spends her afternoons lounging and eating snacks that she has attained from her many adventures with her spirit companions, the light crystal Boka-boka and the dark crystal Its-a-baby.
As they prepare a delightful afternoon snack, the Queen Mother May-or-Zsol burst into the room.
QMMZ: Great Wizard Zsolista! I have a task for you!
GWZ: Oh Queen Mother, I am cooking a delicious pot of gummified monsters, could the quest wait?
QMMZ: No time to wait! You must go to the Tower of Darkness and fetch me a mystical flower.
GWZ: A Tower of Darkness you say...! Boka-Boka, Its-a-Baby, prepare for a journey, there are snacks to be made!
Without hearing another word of the journey or where its at, the Great Wizard packed her food in her bag of wonderments and quickly jumped out the highest tower of castle Beezerbub where she lived. The queen tried to tell her a direction and to watch out for the evil guardian of the flower, but Zsolista did not hear.
You see, the Great Wizard Zsolista never got lost and has always returned victorious. Her great spirit companions always point her to the right direction, her light side to where she needs to go and her dark side where she must return.
After a few zips and a few turns, some jumps and maybe a flip or two, the end up on a path made with a oddly glowing stone.
Zsolista, Boka and Baby are all walking in the beautiful path when they see it in the distance. A great tower, shrouded in darkness and miasma!
Boka-boka: Dats gatta be it Zsol! Boka-Boka~
Its-a-Baby: I want to go home...lets turn around. Its-a-Baby~
Zsolista: Dont worry, this will be fast Baby.
She laps Boka-Boka's head and runs away towards the dark mysterious tower. The spirits chase her.
As they run towards the tower, Zsolista is stopped by an invisible wall! She looks up and realizes that the wall she has hit is a great chameleonataur. A lizard of epic proportion with two large bull horns on its head.
The Wizard jumps back and Boka-boka starts making it rain with a water spell while Its-a-baby summons a mighty gust of wind to start blowing the dirt around everywhere.
Zsolista: We haven't had fried chameleon in so long! This is great.
The trio had fought a chamelonataur before and knew exactly what to do. The monster became invisible and a cloud of dust is pushed back from where it was and a large horn appears in front of Zsolista. Before it could impale her, she uses her defensive magic and blocks the horns.
While absorbing the shock, the rain from Boka's attack begin to coat the chameleon and the windy gust from Baby cover the monster in dirt.
Aha! says Boka-boka, we can see your every movement!
Zsolista jumps up over the lizard bull and cast a spell of fierce lightening - THUNDARA!
BOOM CLASH BLOOSH a huge lighting ball comes out of Boka-bokas rain cloud and fries the chameleontaur and a crispy and smoking bull lizard is left with its horns evaporated.
Its-a-baby whips the wet and dirt away from them and Boka stops the rain. As they huddle around the giant cooked lizard they began to eat it as their energy needs replenishing.
Zsolista: We haven't had fried bull lizard in so long! LETS GOOOO!!
Boka: Give me the eyes Zsol! Boka-Boka~
Its-a-baby: I miss mommy she loves crispy lizard tail.
Zsolista: We can save that for mommy, put it in the bag of wonderment and the rest of the lizard and we can cook it as a stew later when we get home :)
They continue to eat and packed away the rest, once they weren't distracted anymore they turn around and they found that the lizard was hiding the entrance to the tower and made it seem farther than it was! The door to the tower was right in front of them and the trio enter the Tower of Darkness to attain the Queen Mother her Flower of Eternal Compassion!
Hope you guys enjoy this first part of Zsolista's journey. I made this story up for AZS and ZSO to tell them at night. She ends up going through 9 floors but I gotta try and make this shorter haha. I didn't tell them the beginning of the story like that but I like how I started it this time. So we will go through all 9 floors of the tower of darkness before we move on to the other stories. I made a story up for OLK and LCH, they also go through a tower so I will have to rework their story lol towers are so easy though cause you can make each floor its own little story and they find that very fun at night time. I make the monsters something they have seen before or maybe they are scared of so they can defeat them. I am excited to finally have a place to put these ideas down because I always forget the story bits so now I can just read these at night. I am a little more animated when I tell them the story but you get the gist. Maybe I will make a video on me reading these stories on YouTube because then that way when I am feeling too sleepy or tired I can play these hehe.