3.11.25 - The Great Wizard Zsolista and the Flower of Eternal Compassion pt2

3.11.25 - The Great Wizard Zsolista and the Flower of Eternal Compassion pt2

Zsolista being well mannered, knocked on the great door of the Tower of Darkness. No answer came but the door was unlocked. The door was aligned with ancient glyphs and an engraving in the middle that said the following:

"If ye enter, ye shall not leave. The great Lumos of the Nine will shine and blind. The blooming flower will never be plucked by the unworthy."

Boka-boka laughed at the sign and said "We will eat the tower and this great Lumos of the nine! Boka-boka~"

Zsolista nodded as she ate her delicious chameleonataur jerky. The trio entered through the door and was met with a very wet and droopy looking room. All the furniture was covered in slime and even the candles that were shining bright had a large goop of slime on it.

The trio moved deeper into the room and inspected all the slime. Its-a-baby was scared and retreated to the shoulder of  Zsolista. While Boka-boka decided to use wind magic to move some of the slime away from their path. Zsolista's feet would  get stuck occasionally on the floor as they made their way across the room.

After a few desk were inspected for treats and a few chairs flipped by the wind magic, they saw a great door at the end of the room.

Its-a-baby blubbered "T-that must be the way up the tower t-to the s-s-second floor!" She rushed towards the door and as she was about to get to the handle a large slime glob almost fell on her.

Zsolista just managed  to use anti-gravity magic on her feet and wind magic to push herself towards Its-a-baby and saving her from being trapped by the slime beast that just fell from the sky!

Boka-boka: Oh no! A slime beast, it looks to be filled with bones Boka-boka~

Zsolista kicks the door and pushes back towards Boka-boka. She lands and the slime begins to get bigger and bigger as more of its pieces fall upon it. 

Zsolista casted a fire magic and the spell reflected off the slime and into the wall. The slime on the chair and wall caught on fire and lit the room up. To the trio's horror they realized that the whole room is filled with bones of defeated foes. Some wore armor from rival nations and they even saw some armor from their own nation and their castle arms on of the fallen soldiers.

This enraged the trio! We shall avenged our fallen brethren they shouted in unison.

Its-a-baby used her shapeshifting power and became a giant dragon beast while Boka-boka also shapeshifted and became Its-a-baby's horns and claws. The Great Wizard Zsolista started chanting her magic.

The slime blobbed and goofed  around. Jumping from the ceiling to the wall. It started to throw little slimes at the fused spirit crystals and they were being coated by the slime.

The duo dodged as well as they could but they took some hits to protect Zsolista so she  can cast her magic spell, it was going to be a strong one. As they took more hits, they became heavier and heavier and they soon began falling and becoming slow. Getting hit by more of the slime. 

With the duo immobalized, the slime looked happy and became overzealous, it jumped in the air and became a giant spear and plunged towards the twin spirits. While it was hurling towards them it exposed a very bright and lit crystal that was surrounded by the helmets of the fallen. The duo saw this and cast a lighting ball with their horns at it, this caused the slime to swiftly turn around and take the hit.

Zsolista not to be outdone finished her preperation for her spell. She had to concentrate and map out the room with her mind and draw a mind glyph on all of the slimes around. She then chanted her spell while performing her hand signs and native dance. This trio of preperation led to her unleashing one of  her special attacks. Gunghrirs Roar! A massive ice attack that targeted every part of the slime. 

The slime felt the immense and ancient magic and decided to do a last effort attack instead of saving its life crystal. It became a bunch of small little rain drop blades and hurled towards the trio but Zsolista prepared for this and her mind glyph had already accustomed to every molecule on the slime. Freezing it from an atomic level. There was no escape from Gunghirirs Roar.

As the Roar echoed in the room, the weaker  parts of the slime exploded in a flurry of ice and it covered the room in beautiful snow. The stronger parts of the slime left little ice crystals that Boka-boka and Its-a-baby began to pick up and  eat, healing their wounds from the acidic slime attacks. They took the leftovers and put it in one of their  freezers in Zsolista's bag of wonderment. 

Zsolista: That was a close one. Good thing we just fought that slime-king in Cantor!

Boka-boka: Too eazy for us Boka-boka~

Baby: Lets just go up please - Its-a-baby~

The trio bow to the flallen Beezerbub knights and loot the room. They found a few magical necklaces and some rings. A tome  of magical recipes and  a hat for Boka-boka's pet back at home.

The move towards the giant door and glyphs shine. A stone is missing at the very top of the arche-way door. A flash lights up in Zsolista's brain and she ran back and rummaged through the armor that was left by the slime-prince. A light crystal was left and she chucked it at the indent in the arche-way door and the door exploded into beautiful colors. Revealing a grand stair case that will take the trio up higher in this Tower of Darkness!


I didnt feel like righting today, mainly because I have to work tomorrow. I find any excuse not to right. Annoyingly I was going to write more on my obsidian but then I realized I dont have an account and I was logged out of the one I have in my desktop. I thankfully still have my saved files in my hard drive but now they wont open in my Obsidian instance. Just another thing to get me not to write haha. But I am writing here which is an accomplishment  for me. I think I will stick with this and finish out the first adventure of Zsolista and her Twin Spirits. I am having fun and its still technically all cannon  to me :) 

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