3.12.25 - The Great Wizard Zsolista and the Flower of Eternal Compassion pt 3

3.12.25 - The Great Wizard Zsolista and the Flower of Eternal Compassion pt 3

The trek up the stairs of the tower took a long time. Such a long time that Baby got so hungry she started to cry! With a crying baby, the only thing Zsolista could think was to comfort her with a tasty snack. She pulled out a chameleonataut jerky and a slime slushy to eat with the gang.

Baby: Boka, i see you eye balling that slushy...don't you dare. It's-a-baby~

Baby made her hand big and karate chopped Boka-boka as he was trying to lick the slushy. 

Zsolista stuffed a jerky into Boka's mouth before he could cry and they all ate their food as they walked up the stairs to regain their strength after fighting the slime-prince.

After a few more hours of walking they make it to the second floor where they are greeted by a room filled with more slime...

The slime in question was yellow in nature. Zsolista used a fire magic and the slime didn't burst into flames this time around.

Boka-boka ran up and saw that there were combs and combs all over the place and he started to lick the slime! It was honey!!

Soon a buzzing noise filled the room. Boka fled back to Zsolistas shoulder and a giant three headed bee unfurled from one of the giant combs in the room and the honey fell off it.

Then as the honey touched the ground a giant gust of wind hit the room and the three headed bees wings fluttered in subsonic speed. Filling the large room with a buzzing sound of endless noise. Bzzzzzzzzt

Zsolista wasted no time and threw a fire ball at the bee but the right head spewed out water and blocked the fire ball.

Boka: we can't fuse or manifest! Boka-boka~ were too weak still Zsolista!

Zsolista: i know! Blast it with magic and see what gets through!

The trio jumped in three different directions. The spirits went to their normal size to build energy and so they could cast their magic. Boka used ice but the left head blocked it with fire.

Baby used lightning magic and the bee blocked it with it's hands instead of using magic.

Zsolista: thats it! It's lightning! Team 6 formation boss.

The trio ran throughout the room trying to confuse the bee and it's threeheads but it kept blasting them with fire water and air blast. The team kept moving around dodging and blocking attacks but the bee didn't move and they realized it was blocking something.

Zsolista looked up and saw it faintly. It was the comb that it came out of, the door was hidden within the comb covered in honey.

The trio knew exactly what they had to do. They kept circling the bee and went faster and faster. Faster than the bee could stop the fire blast that they kept doing. It's one water head couldn't keep up. 

Slowly the speed of the team and their fire attacks made a tornado of heat and the bee began sinking down to the ground.

The three headed bee was smart and kept putting water on itself to keep cool and not be burnt up by the fire tornado.

But the trio was smarter. Once the bee hit the ground and was fully soaked they all cast their spell. 


A giant lightning dragon slowly formed around the fire tornado and ate all the heat and formed full above the bee where the cool winds brought the lightning dragon down swiftly and fried the bee.


A giant explosion filled the room and honey fell from the air as the combs fell to the ground due to the shake.

The burnt bee laid crispy and delicious in the middle and honey dripped on it. Creating a succulent and rich smell that filled the air.

The trio couldn't wait and ate everything but the wings which they put in their bag of wonderment.

The trio left the bones and crowns of each head on the ground but the middle head had one crystal and Boka plucked it out knowing he would need it for the door above.

Baby became a giant cloud and they floated up slowly to the door hidden within the combs and Boka threw the gem and opened the door.

As they floated through the door, the found themselves faced by a giant monster with a door on its head. It spoke and they listened.

"Welcome oh rippers of skulls, eater of hearts, maker of worlds. Can you solve the riddle of the third?"

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