3.4.25 - Under Pressure, Covered in Dirt, Where is the Light?

3.4.25 - Under Pressure, Covered in Dirt, Where is the Light?

Hey its FRZ,

AMZ and I decided to finally take the plunge and start our business. We decided on creating stickers to start. I am going to be pretty blunt, starting a business should not be a hard and painful process. There is so much junk online that it muddies the water and really bogs people down. It makes it seem like only certain high achieving individuals should be able to create a business but I don't think that is the case. I believe that any one can create a business and we are getting to the point in time where individual business are more crucial than ever.

Don't get me wrong, I am 100% doing this for supplemental income. We are struggling just like everyone else but I also believe that we are getting closer to a world where people wont need money anymore. They are going to require real human interaction. Human creation, if the AI and the robots take our jobs (shout out south park) then the best we can do is create a world where people want to share their creation. Their purpose. What if this helps the negativity  around the world right now? What if this helps people be more peaceful and call top to peace it up? (shout out drake)

I digress, I have a lot of plans and I never achieve them. Really I never start them and now I have AMZ who pushes me to do these things and not be worried about failure. Because I will fail and so will you. But what makes us human is the fact that we get up and try again.

I hope that these blogs will shed some light in our thought process and why we want to do this. I have AFALOZ IS A SEED everywhere because we are. We are an idea that has not taken root, really we haven't even been planted yet. Well this is me planting the idea. I want to see what we blossom to when we nourish this seed, this idea of AFALOZ with our love, sweat, tears and all the other clichés. Because again. Its what makes us human. So. Come join us. Mimic us. Succeed with us. Fail with us. Just stop trying and start doing. What if you have always been the next you?

                                                                                                                           Love FRZ.


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