3.6.25 - Bed Time - The Need for Stories
AMZ is usually the one reading the children stories at night. She goes from books from her childhood to things little amz picks. They have gone from Desperoux to Monster High books and they can't get enough. Recently little zsa has been joining them as he is now sleeping in the same room as little amz.
I try to read them books as well but I find myself not doing that as often as I should and it's made me realized I need to do it more.
I have tried to put my own spin to it. I tell them a made up story that they recognize. Whether that's about wizards because we're currently playing the new Harry Potter game or something to do with Bees or Dogs because we saw them earlier in the day, I try to make it unique for them.
This has made my stories very short but they seem to enjoy it and I don't impede too long in AMZ time with then to read the books they normally read which is also important.
I think about why I haven't read them much and my excuse internally has been that is AMZs thing and I don't want to butt in on that.
That's an excuse of course. Digging deep, it's probably because I was never read books to at night by my own parents. I never put credence in the importance of being read a story to. How much it helps develop your mind, how much it helps with building confidence and imagination. Stories help them become the masters of their mind, where if a monster shows up they can be that powerful wizard or princess that defeats the evil monster.
One of my biggest parenting mistake is not reading and cultivating my children's imagination at an early age. Allowing the videos and short form videos they watch proliferate instead of a coherent story and endearing story to root in their mind.
My eldest child had nightmares and I never knew how to get rid of them. Then like it was magic, I realized what it was. She watched scary youtube videos and had nightmares about them but she enjoys watching these so I didn't interfere much. Big mistake but she loved them. If I had read her a story or made up one for her, that could have easily over written the scary thoughts she was having.
I don't think it's ever too late though to start reading and watering that seed of imagination.
So with that in mind, these are the books that we gave read to our children and they have enjoyed. I am also going to start writing the stories I tell them so you guys can read it as well and it'll be a reference for me since I always forget these stories haha.
[Blank for now]