3.9.25 - Stocks and the AFALOZ Dream
The rush for "share-holder value" has really ruined things in America. The thought process, for me at least, has always been that a company does what ever it can do to increase the stock price. This is of course, most companies tie out their bonus to RSU's or more stocks for the employees therefore giving them more money and hopefully more incentive to do better. It also increases the wealth of its majority share-holders which are corporations like BR and any other company with Capital in it.
There are not many every day people or what they call dumb money in stocks. A lot of retirements are in EFTs but even then a majority of the people in the US don't have a retirement fund or own any EFTs.
I find that this incentivizes the wrong things for many people and many corporations.
For one second, imagine a world where the stock market didn't exist. Where companies made money off what they sold and what they produced.
I would hope that this in turn would foster a more human and empathetic mind frame for corporations. That's probably very naïve but that's okay. This is my blog and I want to imagine.
Lets say that there are no stocks. Companies need to earn your business and they need to invest their extra income back into the business. Whether that's back to their employees or back in to the community that they are in, whatever the case its a win. Could be both.
Imagine a world where a corporation such as Apple who is stationed in California had to invest their money back into California. Maybe fix the water issue? Help the forest? Build community gardens to help with food cost? Build recreation centers for the youth? A library or two? Faster transportation systems? Maybe they invest in other companies and see them thrive.
I envision an America where companies have to live in a socialist fashion. A place where companies are beholden to the country of the USA. Where they must share their wealth to other companies that are dying or are in need of help.
I believe trickle down economy can function but it just needs to be from the corporate level not the individual level. Can we really expect Elon Musk to share his wealth? No. Would he even have as much wealth as he has now if it wasn't for the stock market? Is Tesla selling that many vehicles? Providing that much value?
This of course would be more nuanced, a government body would need to be created but a government body of the healthies companies executives. At the end of the day it is their profits if they must share it then let them decide which companies are worth saving. Let these companies tell their value to the American people and televise it. Let it be transparent.
Truly a mute point but what if this inspires the next generation? What if someone makes this idea even better and figures out how to make R-conomics actually work?
So many questions and no answers from me. I just want better for America. It has done so many great things, even if it has done bad things. It has helped a lot of people including myself. I just want to make sure that people out there know that there are still many of us thinking of ways to make America truly great again.
Love, FRZ.